Akula U-Båt 838mm Byggsats
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Akula U-Båt 838mm Byggsats i gruppen Fabrikat / D / Dumas / Båtmodeller hos Rynosx4 Hobbyshop AB (DU1246)

Akula U-Båt 838mm Byggsats

Artnr: DU1246
4395 kr

#1246 Akula Submarine Kit

The Akula is a an easy to assemble sport scale model of a Russian nuclear attack sub. Each kit includes all the necessary running hardware for its single screw drive line. Simply supply a Dumas 2004 6v motor, an electronic speed control, a 7.2v battery pack, and your three channel radio, and you are good to go. Designed for pool use, the Akula contains all the molded plastic parts to bring the model to life. The enhanced building manual will walk you step by step through the successful completion of you model. So dive into the fun with newest Dumas submarine the Akula.
  • Length: 838 mm
  • Width: 101 mm
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Ursprungsland: US

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Adress Annelundsgatan 17
74940 Enköping
Land Sverige
Telefon 0046-0171143000
Epost info@minicars.se
Hemsida www.minicars.se

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