EzRun Combo MAX6 4985SL-1650kV 1/6 - HW38010801 | HOBBYWING | Rynos.se
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Hobbywing EzRun Combo MAX6 4985SL-1650kV 1/6 i gruppen Elektronik / Elmotorer / Kompletta motorsystem hos Rynosx4 Hobbyshop AB (HW38010801)

Hobbywing EzRun Combo MAX6 4985SL-1650kV 1/6

Artnr: HW38010801
2595 kr

Hobbywing EzRun MAX6 Fartreglage & EzRun 4985SL 1650KV Motor Combo Set

EzRun MAX6 Fartreglage Egenskaper:

High Reliability & Durability
Built with the most rugged and high-quality components and coupled with cutting-edge firmware, the EZRUN MAX6 is able to deliver unmatched power and performance for even the most hardcore of racing applications, but is also responsive enough to protect itself from damage due to overloading due to physical abuse, overuse or even human error.

Great Flexibility & Versatility
With incredible acceleration capabilities and a rock-solid, stable output, the MAX6 can handle instant full-torque start-ups for wheelies, high-speed racing on straightaways and powering through the bumpiest terrain. The user will have the choice of adjusting the ESC parameters as per his preference and ability.

Applicable to All Weather Conditions
The waterproof and dust-proof design allows the MAX6 to be used in all weather conditions without any issue of damage caused to the ESC from water or dust.

High Voltage Built-in BEC
The MAX6 has adopted the world’s first HV built-in BEC with an output current of up to 25Amp and a switchable output voltage of 6V-7.4V. The high voltage BEC is designed to handle today’s high voltage servos on demand used by large scale vehicles.

Regular Firmware Updates - Free of Charge
You can upgrade the MAX6 with the Hobbywing USB LINK software, a multifunction LCD program box and a laptop. Hobbywing updates its ESC firmware regularly giving you upgraded features more often when available

Built-in Anti-Spark System
The MAX6 is built with internal anti-spark circuitry that protects not only battery connectors from damage but helps to prevent physical injury due to urnt fingers from the inevitable issue of sparking when hooking up the ESC to higher voltage battery packs (5S/6S/7S/8S).

EzRun MAX6 ESC Specs:
  • Type: 1/6-1/7, Brushless, Sensorless, Waterproof
  • Cont./Peak Current: 160A/1050A
  • Input: 3-8S LiPo/9-24 Cells NiMH (3-6S with the included motor)
  • BEC Output - Switch Mode: 6V/7.4V, 6A
  • Input Wires: 10AWG-200mm
  • Output Wires: 10AWG-200mm
  • Input Connectors: No
  • Output Connectors: 6.5mm Female Gold Connectors (pre-soldered onto the PCB)
  • Fan Size: 35x35x10mm
  • Size: 70x56x46.5mm
  • Weight: 240g
  • Firmware Upgrade: Supported

ESC Programing via:
  • SET Button on ESC: Supported
  • LED Program Box: Supported
  • LCD Program Box: Supported
  • WiFi Module: Supported

MAX6 ESC Applications:
  • Motors: Sensorless Brushless Motors
  • Vehicles: 1/6、1/7 Touring Car/Buggy/Truck
  • KV Rating/T Count: 6S LiPo: KV≤1500 / 8S LiPo: KV≤1200(5892 Size Motors)

EzRun 4985SL Motor Egenskaper:

Strong Power
With a fast acceleration response and a rock-solid, stable output, the EZRUN 4985/5687/56113 motor can handle instant full-torque start-ups for wheelies, high-speed racing on straightaways and powering through the bumpiest terrain.

Thermal Protection
When pairing the EZRUN 4985/5687/56133 motor with the Hobbywing upgraded MAX6/MAX5 ESC, the built-in temperature sensor & port will effectively prevent the motor from being damaged due to overheat and prolong its service life.
(*Note: the older Hobbywing MAX5/MAX6 ESC’s doesn’t have the port for connecting to the temperature sensor port on the motor.)

High Efficiency
Hobbywing’s temperature control technology has been designed to protect the motor from being damaged by heat thus less heat more efficient the motor will run and perform. The output performance of this motor has an efficiency rate of up to 90% (an industry-leading level).

EzRun 4985SL Specs:
  • Type: 1/6, Brushless, Sensorless Motor
  • Pole Count: 4
  • KV rating: 1650
  • LiPo Cells: 3-6S
  • No Load: 5.4A
  • Outside Dia: 49mm
  • Length: 86.5mm
  • Shaft Dia: 5mm
  • Weight: 587g
  • Front Bearing: ID6xOD19xT6mm
  • Rear Bearing: ID6xOD19xT6mm
  • Timing: 0°
  • Vehicles: Large Scale 1/6 & 1/7
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Ursprungsland: CN
Applikation: Bil
Motortyp: Borstlös
kV-värde: 1650 kV
Motor diameter: 49 mm
Motor längd: 86,5 mm
Motoraxel längd: 21,5 mm
Motoraxel diameter: 5 mm

Passar till


LED Program Box till Fartreglage Generell
155 kr
Hobbywing OTA Programmerings Modul - Bluetooth
458 kr


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Registrerad kontaktinformation för tillverkaren av produkten.

Namn Hobbywing Technology Co LTD
Adress 101-402, Building 4, Yasen Chuangxin Hitech Industrial Park, 8 Chengxin Road
Baolong Industrial Town, Longgang District
Land China
Telefon 0086-75589507122
Epost Support1@hobbywing.com
Hemsida www.hobbywing.com


Registrerad kontaktinformation för ansvarigt företag inom EU.

Namn Minicars Hobby Distribution AB
Adress Annelundsgatan 17
74940 Enköping
Land Sverige
Telefon 0046-0171143000
Epost info@minicars.se
Hemsida www.minicars.se

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Ring oss på 0171-305 80 (måndag-fredag 14-18 & lördagar 10-14) eller maila till service@rynos.se.

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