Tunalyzer Brushless Motor Analyzer - HW30504003 | HOBBYWING | Rynos.se
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Hobbywing Tunalyzer Brushless Motor Analyzer i gruppen RADIOSTYRD BIL / Tillbehör / Elmotorer / Tillbehör (elmotorer bil) hos Rynosx4 Hobbyshop AB (HW30504003)

Hobbywing Tunalyzer Brushless Motor Analyzer

Artnr: HW30504003
3895 kr

Hobbywing Tunalyzer

The next-generation tool for motor testing and tuning.

Tunalyzer has "Preset" voltages for this feature that must be used and the battery must be greater than the set voltage.

Manual Test Mode
The Tunalyzer can be used as a manual tester for simple bench-top checks. Forward and reverse with 100% linear throttle. The live output of the data is displayed as well.

Stable Voltage Regulator
The Tunalyzer has an internal voltage regulator to allow repeated tests at the same voltage as the battery pack discharges. This allows testing to be done on several motors for direct comparisons.

Tunalyzer has "Preset" voltages for this feature that must be used and the battery must be greater than the set voltage.

Multi-Function Control Dial
The dial on the face of the Tunalyzer is used for throttle control as well as external testing. PWM output is offered for use to test servos and ESC’s on the work bench.

RPM displayed in real time
The Tunalyzer provides a motor pole setting from 2 to 60 pole motors. This allows for an accurate and precise display of motor RPM in real-time.

3” Color Touch Screen Display
Ultra crisp and clear full-color touch display allows for an extremely quick and easy-to-learn interface.

OTA Tuning and Upgrades
The Tunalyzer can double as your ESC programmer device for simple bench-top ESC tuning. With the HW Link App, your favorite smart device can be used to connect via Bluetooth to the Tunalyzer.

Multiple motor types supported
Sensorless and Sensor motors can be tested. Virtually any pole count or style of a brushless motor can be tested with the Tunalyzer.
  • Multipolar Sensored Motors
  • Multipolar Sensorless Motors
Sensorless motor characteristics may differ from sensored motor results. The test data is only available in specific item. See the instruction manual for details.

Built-in Reverse Power Supply Protection Circuit, Strong Security
Built-in reverse polarity protection circuit. Equipment will not be damaged by an incorrect battery connection.

  • Input Voltage: 6-16.8V (2-4S Lipo)
  • Maximum test current: 18A
  • Motor Type: Sensored & Sensorless Brushless Motor
  • Size: 122.8 x 64.6 x 39mm (with knob height)
  • Weight: 144g
  • Display: LCD color touch screen

  1. Measure motor Current / Kv value/Rpm, End-bell timing / Deviation, Rotor asymmetry, Hall signal deviation and motor temperature.
  2. Set and upgrade the esc (which can support the OTA Bluetooth module)
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Ursprungsland: CN

Passar till


LED Program Box till Fartreglage Generell
155 kr
Hobbywing OTA Programmerings Modul - Bluetooth
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Registrerad kontaktinformation för tillverkaren av produkten.

Namn Hobbywing Technology Co LTD
Adress 101-402, Building 4, Yasen Chuangxin Hitech Industrial Park, 8 Chengxin Road
Baolong Industrial Town, Longgang District
Land China
Telefon 0086-75589507122
Epost Support1@hobbywing.com
Hemsida www.hobbywing.com


Registrerad kontaktinformation för ansvarigt företag inom EU.

Namn Minicars Hobby Distribution AB
Adress Annelundsgatan 17
74940 Enköping
Land Sverige
Telefon 0046-0171143000
Epost info@minicars.se
Hemsida www.minicars.se

Tips & Tricks

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Få din beställning skickad eller hämta ut den i vår butik på Annelundsgatan 17 B i Enköping. 


Ring oss på 0171-305 80 (måndag-fredag 14-18 & lördagar 10-14) eller maila till service@rynos.se.