Kabelset Extern Volt R7003SB, R7008SB & R7018SB
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Kabelset Extern Volt R7003SB, R7008SB & R7018SB i gruppen Fabrikat / F / Futaba / Telemetrisensorer hos Rynosx4 Hobbyshop AB (FPEBB0141)

Kabelset Extern Volt R7003SB, R7008SB & R7018SB

Artnr: FPEBB0141
245 kr
This is the Futaba CA-RVIN-700 External Voltage Input Cable.
  • Used to connect a Futaba telemetry equipped receiver to an extra voltage port.
  • Cable, Fuse, Heat Shrink Tube and Instructions
  • Length: 700 mm
  • This voltage cable plugs into the R7008SB next to the antenna.
  • This measures the external voltage, such as the battery that is running a motor. The voltage will be displayed in the transmitter as "EXT-VOLT".
  • Maximum voltage is 70 volts.
  • Cable should be cut to desired length, then remove & save 30mm from the positive black line. Next, solder the fuse inline on the positive wire and reattach the section of wire that was previously removed and solder into place. The fuse should be attached as close to the external power supply as possible. Place shrink tubing over the fuse and cover all sodered areas. Shrink the tubing onto the wire with a heat gun. The cables will then be connected to corresponding + & - wires that connect the ESC to the battery and attached using solder and shrink tubing.
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Ursprungsland: TW

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Registrerad kontaktinformation för tillverkaren av produkten.

Namn Futaba Corporation
Adress 1080 Yabutsuka
Chosei-mura, Chosei-gun, Chiba-ken
299-4395 Chosei
Land Japan
Telefon 001-81475326173
Epost info@m.futaba.co.jp
Hemsida www.futaba.com


Registrerad kontaktinformation för ansvarigt företag inom EU.

Namn Minicars Hobby Distribution AB
Adress Annelundsgatan 17
74940 Enköping
Land Sverige
Telefon 0046-0171143000
Epost info@minicars.se
Hemsida www.minicars.se

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