Bärarmar Fram Svarta Färlängda Slash 2WD & Nitro Slash - 70552 | RPM | Rynos.se
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RPM Bärarmar Fram Svarta Färlängda Slash 2WD & Nitro Slash i gruppen RADIOSTYRD BIL / Reservdelar / Traxxas Delar hos Rynosx4 Hobbyshop AB (RPM70552)

RPM Bärarmar Fram Svarta Färlängda Slash 2WD & Nitro Slash

Artnr: RPM70552
169 kr

RPM 70552 - Offset-Kompenserade (Breddade) Främre Bärarmar till Slash 2WD & Nitro Slash (Svarta)

Quick Notes:
  • Replaces stock Traxxas #3631
  • Stock geometry Front A-arms are also available

If you’re anything like we are, keeping track of which offset wheel you have lying around for your Traxxas Slash 2wd or Nitro Slash and whether or not the wheel / tire has a front or rear offset can be a bit annoying. This is especially noticeable in the heat of the moment when you’re between race heats and need to slap something on the truck fast. Our solution is a simple one, we lengthened the front A-arms just enough to compensate for the difference between front and rear wheel offsets. Now you simply mount up all of your favorite tires on rear offset Traxxas (or RPM) wheels and never worry about different offsets again.

Alternately, you can remount rear tires on front wheels and use front offsets all the way around for a little extra width. The extra gain would be roughly 3mm (per side) in both the front and rear (see “Tech Notes” below) and adds stability to the truck. It may not be legal for racing, but who cares when you’re out having fun everywhere else? When you’re on the edge, every bit of stability counts!

RPM A-arms are based off of our already proven design for our Slash Front A-arms so you know they’re tough. RPM Offset-Compensating Front A-arms for the Slash 2wd and Nitro Slash are built from our world-renowned blend of engineering grade nylons and backed by our limited lifetime warranty against breakage for worry-free fun anytime, anywhere!

Tech Notes: RPM Offset-Compensating Front A-arms for the Slash 2wd & Nitro Slash requires rear offset Traxxas wheels (or RPM #82332 or #82333 Revolver Wheels) for the front. Using standard 2wd front offset wheels will widen the stance but may cause rubbing on the body, requiring additional wheel clearance in the wheel wells.
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Ursprungsland: US

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Traxxas Slash 2WD Clipless 1/10 Blå
•  Ready to race
•  Clipless kaross
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Traxxas Slash 2WD Clipless 1/10 Röd
•  Ready to race
•  Clipless kaross
•  Laddpaket ingår
3595 kr





Registrerad kontaktinformation för tillverkaren av produkten.

Namn RPM RC Products / Rohart Precision Mold, Inc
Adress 14978 Sierra Bonita Lane
91710 Chino
Land United States of America
Telefon 001-909 393 0465
Epost Talk2Us@rpmproducts.com
Hemsida www.rpmproducts.com


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Namn Minicars Hobby Distribution AB
Adress Annelundsgatan 17
74940 Enköping
Land Sverige
Telefon 0046-0171143000
Epost info@minicars.se
Hemsida www.minicars.se

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