Reservhjulsfäste Dubbel för Slash 2WD & 4x4 - 70502 | RPM |
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RPM Reservhjulsfäste Dubbel för Slash 2WD & 4x4 i gruppen RADIOSTYRD BIL / Reservdelar / Traxxas Delar hos Rynosx4 Hobbyshop AB (RPM70502)

RPM Reservhjulsfäste Dubbel för Slash 2WD & 4x4

Artnr: RPM70502
229 kr

RPM 70502 - Däckhållare Dubbel för Traxxas Slash 2WD & Slash 4×4

Quick Notes:
  • An RPM Slash 2WD or Slash 4×4 Rear Bumper is required for installation (will not work with stock or other aftermarket rear bumpers)
  • Tires must be 2.2”/3.0”, short course specific (not included) with an overall tire diameter of 4-5/16” or 109mm
  • Body modification required to allow the Spare Tire Carrier to fit correctly
  • Single Tire Spare Tire Carrier is also available

Convert your favorite short course truck into a full-on desert truck with this cool and innovative Dual Tire Spare Tire Carrier for the Traxxas Slash 2wd & 4×4. Our Dual Tire Spare Tire Carrier is a simple add-on that allows you to bolt on two real spare tires to the back of the truck, perfectly mimicking many popular full-scale off-road desert trucks running in some of the toughest desert conditions out there.
The RPM Dual Tire Spare Tire Carrier consists of a frame and support structure built from the RPM blend of ultra tough and durable nylons so not only will your truck look scale, it’ll still be able to handle the toughest of conditions. We know you want a truck you can run so get out there and bash it! It’s RPM; we can take it. If you’d rather build a shelf queen, we designed our Spare Tire Carrier to mimic the appearance of 2” diameter tubing on a real roll cage so scale appearance is perfect!

Tech Notes: The RPM Dual Tire Spare Tire Carrier fits the Traxxas Slash 2wd & Slash 4×4 when used in conjunction with an RPM rear bumper (Slash 4×4 – #80122, #80123 & #80125 or Slash 2wd – #81002, #81003 and #81005). The RPM Spare Tire will not work with stock or any other aftermarket rear bumpers. Two wheels and two tires in the 2.2”/3.0” size (not included) must be installed in order to satisfy the RPM warranty program. The only wheels with the correct offsets that will work with the RPM Spare Tire Carrier are stock offset Traxxas Slash 4×4 (front or rear), Slash 2wd (rear) or RPM #82332 / #82333 Revolver Wheels. Tires must be 2.2”/3.0”, short course specific (not included) with an overall tire diameter of 4-5/16” or 109mm (common to most short course tires). Slightly larger diameter tires may be run if you want the appearance of “flat” tires. Body modification is required to allow the Spare Tire Carrier to fit correctly.
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Ursprungsland: US

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Traxxas Slash 2WD Clipless 1/10 Röd
•  Ready to race
•  Clipless kaross
•  Laddpaket ingår
3595 kr





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Namn RPM RC Products / Rohart Precision Mold, Inc
Adress 14978 Sierra Bonita Lane
91710 Chino
Land United States of America
Telefon 001-909 393 0465


Registrerad kontaktinformation för ansvarigt företag inom EU.

Namn Minicars Hobby Distribution AB
Adress Annelundsgatan 17
74940 Enköping
Land Sverige
Telefon 0046-0171143000

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