P-47D Thunderbolt 1600mm Skala Byggsats - SEA01207 | SEAGULL | Rynos.se
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Seagull P-47D Thunderbolt 1600mm Skala Byggsats i gruppen RADIOSTYRDA FLYG / Radiostyrda Flygplan  / Flygplan (förbränningsmotor) hos Rynosx4 Hobbyshop AB (SEA01207)

Seagull P-47D Thunderbolt 1600mm Skala Byggsats

Artnr: SEA01207
4495 kr
• Byggsats!
• För El eller Förbränning
• 1.6m Spännvidd

Seagull SEA207K - P-47 Thunderbolt Skala Byggsats

  • Though it may not have been considered "sleek", the P-47D Thunderbolt was nonetheless a durable, dependable fighter during WWII, with a reputation for returning pilots home alive. Seagull Models has brought this nostalgic aircraft back to life with an authentic 1/8 sport scale version of the P-47 Razorback.
  • As with all Seagull Warbird kits, careful attention to detail is evident throughout, and Seagull Master Edition kit engineering means any intermediate-level modeler
  • Computer-designed interlocking parts allow the P-47D to go together quickly and accurately. Photo-illustrated instructions and full-size, rolled plans help the assembly process go smoothly.
  • High-quality hardware comes with the kit, making building and flying the P-47D even more enjoyable.
  • The P-47D airfoils using state-of-the-art computational aerodynamics software. As a result, this P-47D offers a slow stall speed, excellent stall resistance, and superb handling characteristics throughout its speed range.
  • The specialy-designed airfoils deliver exceptionally smooth flight, instilling a higher level of confidence in pilots.
  • Contains canopy, decals, accessories, wood parts and instructions are included with the Thunderbolt kit.
  • 3-D computer engineering produces parts that fit with absolute precision for straight, strong assembly.
  • Slotted flaps provide function as well as scale appearance to maintain scale lines.
  • The wood is of high quality of balsa and balsa plywood and birch plywood from Russia and the laser-cutting is very well done.
  • The plans are well-drawn and very easy to follow, and the instruction book
  • A Warbird That Flies Like a Sport Model


  • Wingspan: 1600mm
  • Wing area: 47dm2
  • Length: 1315mm
  • Weight: 4.2-4.5 kg
  • Rec. Engine: .61-.91 2-stroke, .91- 1.00 4-stroke or 15cc gasoline engine
  • Rec. Radio: 6 channels with 9 servos

Electric Motor Conversion:
  • Motor: BL 50mm-310KV .75-.90 size
  • Propeller: 15x10-16x10
  • ESC: Minimum 80A
  • LiPo: 8-Cell 5200mAh
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Driftsätt: Bränsle
Levereras som: Byggsats
Lämplig för: Erfaren , Expert
Plantyp: Skala , Warbird
Spännvidd: 1600 mm
Ursprungsland: VN
Vingarea: 47,0 dm2
Längd: 1315 mm
Material: Trä
Vikt: 4200-4500 g

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Fältlåda färdig Seagull
1395 kr




Registrerad kontaktinformation för tillverkaren av produkten.

Namn Seagull Models Co.,Ltd.
Adress 62/8 Ngo Tat To Street
Ward 19, Binh Thanh District
Ho Chi Minh City
Land Vietnam
Telefon 0084-916178686
Epost sales@seagullmodels.com
Hemsida www.seagullmodels.com


Registrerad kontaktinformation för ansvarigt företag inom EU.

Namn Minicars Hobby Distribution AB
Adress Annelundsgatan 17
74940 Enköping
Land Sverige
Telefon 0046-0171143000
Epost info@minicars.se
Hemsida www.minicars.se

Tips & Tricks

• Byggsats!
• För El eller Förbränning
• 1.6m Spännvidd

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Få din beställning skickad eller hämta ut den i vår butik på Annelundsgatan 17 B i Enköping. 


Ring oss på 0171-305 80 (måndag-fredag 14-18 & lördagar 10-14) eller maila till service@rynos.se.

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