Ångbåt (för barn) - UG20003 | UGEARS Models | Rynos.se
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Ugears Ångbåt (för barn) i gruppen Bygg & Verktyg / Byggsatser trä / Mekaniska Byggsatser hos Rynosx4 Hobbyshop AB (UG20003)

Ugears Ångbåt (för barn)

Artnr: UG20003
59 kr
• Delar: 15
• Byggtid: cirka 45 minuter
• Passar barn från 5 år

Ugears UG20003 - Coloring Model «Ångbåt»

  • Model Size: 140x40x110 mm
  • Package Size: 165x180x5 mm
  • Number of components parts: 15
  • Estimated time of assembly: 45 minutes
  • Estimated time for painting: 3 hours +

3D wooden coloring model «Steamboat». For children from 5 years old … as well as grown-ups of any age.

Color as you like: acrylic, gouache, watercolor, markers - you can use whatever you have. You can color the model by doing yourself, with friends or the whole family. Delicate contour lines on wooden parts show the main contours of the ship’s edging, the captain’s deck-house, the ship’s chimney, the screw-propeller, a water-line to make it easy to paint.

Cognitive and developing: the era of the steamboat began in the middle of the 19th century, when the sailing vessels were actively rebuilt on steam. A steamboat has the features, although a little fairy, but the typical ship of those steamboat days, with low wide pipe. Swaying on the waves, moving forward, slicing through the stormy sea with a high nose. Assembles easily and is fun to play with.

Develops engineering skills, spatial thinking and fine motor skills. Captures the imagination of children for a long time.

Eco-friendly: is made of high quality wood, has a fragrant scent of wood and is pleasant to the touch.

Assembles easily: all component parts are already cut off and can be easily removed from the board. The model assembles like a puzzle without glue and special tools by following an illustrated color manual. While children are collecting some blocks, the adults can suggest their help: the joining parts are cut off precisely for the slots and for the assembly, you only need to insert the component pins, pressing them with your fingers. But if the fingers are too small, it may need some help.

Likable: with the help of fantasy, imagination and creative talents of young (and adult) artists each UGEARS coloring model gets a unique and beautiful look, that will keep your spirits up being on the top of your desk.

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Svårighetsgrad: Super-Enkel
Ursprungsland: LV

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Registrerad kontaktinformation för tillverkaren av produkten.

Kontakt Ugears
Adress Ochakivska street/Ochakivskyi lane, building 5/6
3151 Kyiv
Land Ukraine
Telefon +371 25 663 061  
Epost customerservice@ugearsmodels.com
Hemsida https://www.ugearsmodels.com


Registrerad kontaktinformation för ansvarigt företag inom EU.

Namn Ugears International Trade Company SIA
Kontakt Ugears
Adress Baltä iela 1B
LV-1055 Riga
Land Latvia
Telefon +371 25 663 061
Epost import.eu@ugearsmodels.com
Hemsida https://www.ugearsmodels.com

Tips & Tricks

• Delar: 15
• Byggtid: cirka 45 minuter
• Passar barn från 5 år

Snabb leverans

Alla ordrar som läggs vardagar innan klockan 12.00 packas och skickas redan samma dag.

Hämta i butik

Få din beställning skickad eller hämta ut den i vår butik på Annelundsgatan 17 B i Enköping. 


Ring oss på 0171-305 80 (måndag-fredag 14-18 & lördagar 10-14) eller maila till service@rynos.se.

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