Ugears Heavy Boy Truck Trailer - UG70057 | UGEARS Models |
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Ugears Heavy Boy Truck Trailer i gruppen Bygg & Verktyg / Byggsatser trä / Mekaniska Byggsatser hos Rynosx4 Hobbyshop AB (UG70057)

Ugears Heavy Boy Truck Trailer

Artnr: UG70057
429 kr
• Delar: 138
• Beräknad tid: 2 timmar
• Nivå: Medium


UGEARS Heavy Boy lastbilstrailer

Super-Detailed Wood Trailer for the Heavy Boy Truck!

The Heavy Boy Truck from Ugears is an interesting and exciting model on its own. But don’t you have a feeling that a truck unit might use something to actually pull? To complete your long haul freight traffic experience we would like to draw your attention to the Heavy Boy Truck Trailer VM-03.

Should you decide to have a shot at freight forwarding, you will need a trailer. And this is exactly what this model is. This capacious Trailer can carry your favourite things, it will deliver a box of chocolates, a load or fruits or even a ship in a bottle.

The attractive design guarantees that it will fit nicely with any interior. Use an automated conveyor to load your trailer with potted plants and you will have an absolutely unique wheeled garden.

Hook up your Heavy Boy Truck Trailer to the tractor unit with the automatic coupler – and you will have a perfect pair ready to hit the road. Some things are just better together!

The Heavy Boy Truck Trailer VM-03 model kit is made of sustainably sourced high grade wood and has everything you might need for assembly. The cutting is well done; each of the parts comes out of the plywood sheets easily. Assemble without glue like all Ugears models according to the step-be-step, truly easy to follow, color instruction manual in 11 languages (Ukrainian, English, German, French, Polish, Spanish, Russian, Turkish, Italian, Chinese and Korean). The assembly of the Trailer includes several stages. Firstly, you put the smaller parts together to form the large blocks: the wheelbase, body, and automated conveyor – which will altogether complete the whole model.

Antal delar: 138
Beräknad monteringstid: 2 timmar
Svårighetsgrad: Medium
Rekommenderad ålder: Från 14 år
Storlek på modell: 36.5 x 12 x 16 cm

Note, the video shows the Heavy Boy Truck VM-03 (UG70056) and the Truck Trailer (UG70057) - They are sold separately!
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Svårighetsgrad: Medium
Ursprungsland: LV

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Registrerad kontaktinformation för tillverkaren av produkten.

Kontakt Ugears
Adress Ochakivska street/Ochakivskyi lane, building 5/6
3151 Kyiv
Land Ukraine
Telefon +371 25 663 061  


Registrerad kontaktinformation för ansvarigt företag inom EU.

Namn Ugears International Trade Company SIA
Kontakt Ugears
Adress Baltä iela 1B
LV-1055 Riga
Land Latvia
Telefon +371 25 663 061

Tips & Tricks

• Delar: 138
• Beräknad tid: 2 timmar
• Nivå: Medium

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Ring oss på 0171-305 80 (måndag-fredag 14-18 & lördagar 10-14) eller maila till

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