Bärarmar Övre & Nedre Blå (Par) E/T-Maxx - 80465 | RPM | Rynos.se
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RPM Bärarmar Övre & Nedre Blå (Par) E/T-Maxx i gruppen RADIOSTYRD BIL / Reservdelar / Traxxas Delar hos Rynosx4 Hobbyshop AB (RPM80465)

RPM Bärarmar Övre & Nedre Blå (Par) E/T-Maxx

Artnr: RPM80465
179 kr

RPM 80462 - Bärarmar Över/Undre till T/E-Maxx - Blå

Quick Notes:
  • Fits all modern versions of both the T-Maxx and E-Maxx (earlier versions – see “Tech Notes”)
  • Replaces stock Traxxas #5331R & #5132R
  • Four packages needed to complete one full vehicle (or two plus one rear True-Track Kit)
  • Matching True-Track Rear End Kit is also available

RPM A-arms for the 2.5R & 3.3 versions of the Traxxas T-Maxx are built to handle some serious abuse! We’ve redesigned these a-arms to compensate for the larger axle diameters of the 2.5R & 3.3 with axle clearance zones built right in, yet these clearance areas do not compromise the strength. These A-arms are lighter than ever before, yet still maintain all of the qualities that RPM customers have come to expect from RPM A-arms – rugged durability, unrivaled performance, strength comparable to or better than many alloy A-arms, yet are lighter than those same alloy parts and pricing unbeatable by any other aftermarket A-arm set existing. All this and we back our A-arms with the best breakage warranty in the R/C industry!

We mold these A-arms in four different color choices, including a dyeable version for the ultimate in customization options and are sold in packages of one upper and one lower A-arm.

Tech Notes: FOUR packages of RPM A-arms will be needed to complete one Maxx truck or TWO packages will be needed when combined with ONE package of our True-Track Rear A-arm kits. These A-arms are compatible with all modern versions of both the T-Maxx and the E-Maxx. T-Maxx 1.5 and earlier versions of the E-Maxx owners will need to upgrade to the longer T-Maxx 3.3 turnbuckles, tie rods axles and axle carriers.
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Ursprungsland: US

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Registrerad kontaktinformation för tillverkaren av produkten.

Namn RPM RC Products / Rohart Precision Mold, Inc
Adress 14978 Sierra Bonita Lane
91710 Chino
Land United States of America
Telefon 001-909 393 0465
Epost Talk2Us@rpmproducts.com
Hemsida www.rpmproducts.com


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Namn Minicars Hobby Distribution AB
Adress Annelundsgatan 17
74940 Enköping
Land Sverige
Telefon 0046-0171143000
Epost info@minicars.se
Hemsida www.minicars.se

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