Kaross Slash 4x4 ProGraphics - 6933 | TRAXXAS | Rynos.se
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Traxxas Kaross Slash 4x4 ProGraphics i gruppen RADIOSTYRD BIL / Tillbehör / Karosser & tillbehör hos Rynosx4 Hobbyshop AB (426933)

Traxxas Kaross Slash 4x4 ProGraphics

Artnr: 426933
648 kr

Traxxas 6933

Body, Slash® 4X4, ProGraphix® (also fits Slash® VXL & Slash® 2WD) (graphics are printed, requires paint & final color application)/ decal sheet
From mild to wild, choose your own colors to personalize your clipless Slash body. The detailed graphics are fully painted, but the rest of the body is clear, so you can choose your own main body color. Simply grab a can of Hobbynox paint to spray the final color. It's easy for anyone to get instant, professional results. Traxxas ProGraphix bodies come completely trimmed for easy installation. A protective overspray film is applied to the body for convenience.

Clipless latches sold separately. Choose 6940 (Slash 2WD) or 6976 and 10125 (Slash 4X4) to mount the body.

Accessory part for these models:
  • Slash® 4X4 Brushless
  • Slash® 4X4 Ultimate
  • Slash® 4X4 VXL
  • Slash® Brushless
  • Slash® VXL
  • Slash®
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Biltyp: Short Course
Skala: 1/10
Ursprungsland: TW
Färdigmålad: Delvis
Inkluderar även: Dekaler

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• Extreme Heavy Duty kit
• Clipless kaross
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• Extreme Heavy Duty kit
• Clipless kaross
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• Extreme Heavy Duty kit
• Clipless kaross
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Registrerad kontaktinformation för tillverkaren av produkten.

Namn Traxxas
Adress 6250 Traxxas Way
75070 McKinney
Land United States of America
Telefon 001-972 549 3000
Epost support@traxxas.com
Hemsida www.traxxas.com


Registrerad kontaktinformation för ansvarigt företag inom EU.

Namn Minicars Hobby Distribution AB
Adress Annelundsgatan 17
74940 Enköping
Land Sverige
Telefon 0046-0171143000
Epost info@minicars.se
Hemsida www.minicars.se

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Få din beställning skickad eller hämta ut den i vår butik på Annelundsgatan 17 B i Enköping. 


Ring oss på 0171-305 80 (måndag-fredag 14-18 & lördagar 10-14) eller maila till service@rynos.se.