T32MZ Radio FASSTest med R7208SB - FP05003201-3 | FUTABA | Rynos.se
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T32MZ Radio FASSTest med R7208SB i gruppen Elektronik / Sändare & tillbehör / Sändare hos Rynosx4 Hobbyshop AB (FP05003201-3)

T32MZ Radio FASSTest med R7208SB

Artnr: FP05003201-3
38395 kr

Futaba T32MZ Transmitter – 18-Channel Computer System

2-Stick, 18-Channel, FASSTest 2.4 GHz System

FASSTest System:

The 32MZ transmitter adopted the bidirectional communication system “FASSTest”. Data from the receiver can be checked in your transmitter. FASSTest is a maximum 18 channels (linear 16 channels + switch 2 channels) 2.4 GHz dedicated system.

Channel Expansion (Multiprop Function):
The multiprop function can be used by using the separately sold multiprop decoder MPDX-1. The multiprop function is a function that divides one channel into eight channels and extends the number of channels. Up to 2 x MPDX-1 can be used, and up to 32 channels can be expanded as follows:
  • Linear channel – 14 channels (2 channels are used by multiprop function)
  • ON/OFF channel – 2 channels
  • Multiprop channel – 16 channels
  • Multiprop channels have the following differences from normal linear channels.
  • The resolution of the multiprop channel is lower than that of the linear channel.
  • Operating multiple multiprop channels simultaneously may reduce the operation response of the multiprop channel.
  • Multiprop channels can not use the mixing function.

S.BUS2 System:

  • By using the S.BUS2 system multiple servos, gyros and telemetry sensors are easily installed with a minimum amount of cables.

WINDOWS Embedded Compact 7:
  • T32MZ utilizes the world famous Microsoft Windows Embedded Compact 7, which offers outstanding dependability and valuable resources.

Color LCD Main-Display:
  • T32MZ has a HVGA (640 x 240 pixels) full color backlit LCD touch screen. The screen is manufactured of a transflective construction which enables both indoor and outdoor visibility.

Color LCD Sub-Display:
  • T32MZ has a color LCD sub-display. It will be possible to know telemetry information separately from the main display. The sub display uses a reflective LCD with good visibility even outdoors.

Music Play:
  • T32MZ can playback WMA (Windows Media Audio) files on a microSD Card. You can enjoy music by the internal speaker or stereo headphones from the earphone jack. A switch can be assigned to start/stop your music.

Voice Recording:
  • You can record your own voice using the internal microphone and then play back commands assigned to certain switches. Recording time is 3 seconds maximum and 24 voice files can be stored.

Secure Data (SD CARD):
  • Model data, music files, voice files, and picture files can be stored on optional microSD card. The microSD card is also used when updating the software/features of the T32MZ.

High Capacity Lithium Polymer Battery (6600 mAh):
  • The high capacity Lithium Polymer battery gives you extended flight time.

  • The touch panel and two enter keys allows you to edit your model in the manner that is easiest for you.

  • The internal dual processors operate the many 32MZ functions and optimize the response time. Most of the mixing functions are operated by curves which give you very precise settings.

  • Each axis is supported by dual ball bearings. And the magnetic detection type non contact potentiometers was newly equipped. This allows for finer and more precise operation. Also, the throttle stick is an external screw adjustment, you can choose ratchet or spring self neutral.

Replaceable Switches:
  • You can replace 4 of the toggle switches on the right and left shoulder, with optional switches (two position, three position, and momentary etc.).

Vibration Function:
  • Low voltage and other alarms are generated by a vibration motor. Alarms or vibrations to be used can be selected by the owner.

  • User selectable languages: English

  • The system comes with the R7208SB S.Bus2 Dual Antenna Diversity receiver featuring bi-directional communication.

  • T32MZ Transmitter (Air Version includes ratcheting throttle, Helicopter Version includes smooth throttle)
  • R7208SB Receiver
  • LT1F6600B Lithium Polymer Battery and AC Adapter Switch Harness
  • Tool Box (includes special jig for adjustment)
  • Neck Strap
  • Transmitter Case

Transmitter Specs:
  • Transmitter Frequency: 2.4 GHz band
  • Operating System: 2.4 GHz FASSTest/FASST/T-FHSS/S-FHSS System
  • Power Supply: 3.8 V L1F6600B Lithium-polymer battery
  • RF Power Output: 100 mW EIRP
  • Weight (with battery): 1126 g

R7208SB Receiver Specs:
  • Size: 38.9 x 25 x 14.5 mm
  • Weight: 9g
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Ursprungsland: TW

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Registrerad kontaktinformation för tillverkaren av produkten.

Namn Futaba Corporation
Adress 1080 Yabutsuka
Chosei-mura, Chosei-gun, Chiba-ken
299-4395 Chosei
Land Japan
Telefon 001-81475326173
Epost info@m.futaba.co.jp
Hemsida www.futaba.com


Registrerad kontaktinformation för ansvarigt företag inom EU.

Namn Minicars Hobby Distribution AB
Adress Annelundsgatan 17
74940 Enköping
Land Sverige
Telefon 0046-0171143000
Epost info@minicars.se
Hemsida www.minicars.se

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